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When It’s Too Hot for Spot

Cars Can Heat up Quickly!

I very recently posted about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars and the common misconceptions that help people think it’s OK. I’m going to continue to write about this danger until less – or better yet – no more animals die from being left in cars. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) states that 100’s of dogs die a year from being left in hot cars.

This video is awful, I caution you as well as it will but this is an exact example of what happens when people think they can just leave them for a minute.

WARNING: Disturbing Video

I don’t want to use fear tactics and will not be going forward. I wanted to use facts to help all of us educate anyone caring for or owning a pet to avoid this horror.

Don’t Fry Fido

Share this graphic far and wide and please.

Also please share great ideas of how you saw a dog safely secured on a hot day – like this. This picture was taken at an agility trial up in Maine, the temperature hit 86 degrees outside with sun beaming but my car stayed at 72 with fresh air from the fans I had blowing and shade created from these reflective blankets.

Remember to be a pet’s hero by helping them avoid dangerous situations but always call the authorities first before taking matters into your own hands.

Share pictures of your heat beating setup!

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