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Ensure Safe Water Adventures with Your Dog

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, Dog Jobs, dog training, Dogs, pet cpr, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore How to Play Safely With Your Pooch on the Water Ryan Lilly is an avid fisherman from Hampden, Maine who makes a living educating people on all the various types of canoes, kayaks and boats available these days. He handles consumer marketing for Old Town Watercraft, a Maine-based company making watercraft since 1898. Sure, Ryan loves catching …

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Take a Hike…With Your Dog

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, pet cpr, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Walks around your neighborhood can become so ho-hum for your dog. Workouts at the gym can be so boring for you. So, why not step out in style by going on an adventurous hike with your canine pal? In addition to the daily jaunts in our neighborhood, I treat my dogs, Emma and Kona, to periodic longer …

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Beware of Corn on the Cob Dangers to Your Dog

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, Dogs, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Access to Corn Cobs Corn on the cob certainly ranks as a popular food choice at cookouts and picnics. Whether you grill it or steam it and then slather it with butter, corn on the cob just tastes delicious. For people, corn on the cob is packed with protein, essential fatty acids and offers an energy boost. …

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Watch Out for Special Issues with Flat-Faced Dogs

In Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor  Brachycephalic Breeds Labrador retrievers with their lovable natures continue ranking No. 1 in popularity among all dog breeds by the American Kennel Club. But look over your shoulder, Lab. The adorable French Bulldog is gaining in popularity, landing the runner-up spot for the past three years. …

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Spring is Here and So Is the Arrival of Toxic Mushrooms to Your Dog

In Dog Behavior, dog daycare owner, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Spring pet safety, Travel with pets, veterinarian by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Spring is Here April signals the arrival of spring with more opportunities for taking your dog on adventurous hikes in the woods or having your canine buddy hangout in your backyard as you garden. Lurking in both scenarios can be mushrooms. Keep in mind that many …

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Help Support a Proposed Federal Law on Xylitol Label Warnings

In Dog Behavior, Dogs, pet care professional, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, veterinarian by Cara Armour

Xylitol and the Danger to Pets Xylitol, a popular artificial sweetener, is finding its way into an ever-expanding array of foods and health products. For a person with diabetes or someone who is watching their sugar intake, xylitol is the go-to substitute to help control diabetes or avoid sugary calories that lead to weight gain. But to pets, especially dogs, …

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Fending Off Fleas and Tackling Ticks on Your Pets

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat first aid, Cats, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, Kitties, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Puppies, senior pets, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Paw, paw. Scratch, scratch. Lick, lick. These can be the telltale signs that a cat or dog is dealing two itty-bitty menaces: fleas and ticks. Unchecked and unprotected, dogs and cats can not only feel frustrated and miserable, but they can develop a host of diseases. …

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Surprising Poisons Impacting Pets

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Pandemic, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, veterinarian by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor With more people getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and cases dropping in numbers, it is finally safer to venture outdoors with our dogs this summer. Sure, our dogs loved having us at home 24-7, but a new report indicates major spikes in the incidents of dogs and …

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How Does the Pandemic Affect Our Pets?

In Animal Health, cat behavior, Dog Behavior, Dog Jobs, dog training, Pandemic, pet care professional, Pet Industry, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara Armour

What Are Some of the Effects of the Pandemic on Our Pets? Most of this will depend on your individual pet, for the sake of popularity, I’ll cover cats and dogs. But among that giant population, there is a tremendous amount of variation. I know firsthand from my own household, I have 1 cat and 3 dogs, each has responded …

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The Dangers of a Commonly Found Toad to Your Dog

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Why Bufo Toads Are So Dangerous to Your Water-Loving Dog Looking for a safe place to exercise your dog with no crowds during these COVID-19 days? Lakes, rivers and ponds may seem like ideal options for your water-loving dog, but beware of a dangerous threat lurking …