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Pro Pet Hero launches with over 40 Pet First Aid topics, including Dog CPR

ProPetHeroProTrainings is proud to announce the launch of a new program designed to help pet owners with everything between home and the vet. Pro Pet Hero is a pet first aid training program that covers a wide range of topics, from cat and dog CPR to how to build a first aid kit for your pets.

Pro Pet Hero is taught by Dr. Bobbi Conner,  a veterinarian that is also a college professor. Covering over 40 topics with over an hour and a half of video-based instruction, our online course is the first time you’ll be able to take a pet first aid course wherever you are. With better than front of the classroom instruction, by a teacher that is always at the top of her game, you can watch and re-watch any of the videos, anytime.

Our course is also accredited by a few governing bodies, so if you’re a pet professional in need of continuing education credits, taking this course will help satisfy some of those credits as well. Our CEU awarding organizations includes the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors, and the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers.

Dog Walkers, Pet Sitters and other pet professionals will find a lot to love, gain confidence, and can show their clients that they’ve been pro-active and have the skills to keep their pets safe while in their care, and know what to do in their times of need.

Get started today at, and learn how to help your pet in an emergency.

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