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In this lesson, we'll be addressing a difficult and painful topic – pet end of life. At the end of the lesson, we'll share with you an important resource that may help you better determine when exactly is the right time to let your pet go.

One of the great tragedies of life is that our pets will never live as long as we do nor as long as we would like them to. No matter your individual circumstances, it will be difficult to say goodbye to a beloved friend and family member once that day comes.

While some pets may pass away quietly at home, in many situations, a pet's quality of life will decline over time and it will be up to you whether or not to consider humane euthanasia.

In other situations, this sort of decision will be thrust upon you suddenly after a tragic emergency leaves your pet in poor health. Either way, it's a difficult choice to make. However, be sure and discuss the matter with your veterinarian. He or she will be able to discuss all your options, including euthanasia, and whether or not that decision is right for you.

Pro Tip #1: It's important to understand what euthanasia is and what it involves so you can make an informed decision.

What is Euthanasia?

Euthanasia literally means good death. In most situations, your vet will place a catheter in your pet's leg to deliver the medications, which will be an overdose of an anesthetic drug.

As the medication is given to your pet, she will begin to go to sleep as if going under for a surgical procedure. As the vet continues to push the medication, this will then bring about a painless and peaceful death.

What Happens Next?

After your pet has passed away, either by euthanasia or not, you'll have a number of options for how you want to handle her remains. Many people elect for pet cremation, and in many situations, you may be able to choose to have your pet individually cremated which will allow you to get her ashes returned to you.

Alternatively, if it's legal to do so in your area, you may also consider burying your pet on your own properly.

Pro Tip #2: Once your pet has passed away, you'll undoubtedly go through a grieving process. And while this period is difficult for everyone, your vet will have some information that may help – resources for local support groups or online resources you can reach out.

No matter how you grieve, as this is very much an individual thing, it's important to take care of yourself during this time and seek support if need be. And while this time is never easy, try to focus on the good times you shared with your pet and how lucky you were to have found each other in the first place.

How Do You Know When It's Time to Let Your Pet Go?

Deciding to let your pet go will be one of the hardest decisions of your life. And you'll no doubt have many questions rolling around in your head as you struggle with this decision.

In this article for ProPetHero, pet expert Cara Armour tackles this very difficult topic and provides you with a little guidance to help you make the best possible decision for your pet.

You can read that article here: How Do You Know When It's Time to Let Your Pet Go?

Thank you for choosing ProTrainings and ProPetHero for your pet first aid training. We hope it was everything you thought it would be. More importantly, we hope it makes a positive difference in your pet's life.