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Is Neosporin Safe to Use on My Dog?

In Dog CPR, Dog Jobs, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Uncategorized, veterinarian, Wound care by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor When you get a scratch, you may grab the Neosporin from your medicine cabinet shelf. But should you apply this antibiotic ointment on a minor wound on your dog? The answer: it depends. It depends on the type of wound, the location and if your dog …

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Watch Out for Special Issues with Flat-Faced Dogs

In Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor  Brachycephalic Breeds Labrador retrievers with their lovable natures continue ranking No. 1 in popularity among all dog breeds by the American Kennel Club. But look over your shoulder, Lab. The adorable French Bulldog is gaining in popularity, landing the runner-up spot for the past three years. …

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Pet in Pain? Do NOT Reach for An OTC Medication!

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat first aid, Cats, Dog CPR, Dogs, Fall pet safety, pet care professional, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, vet tech, veterinarian, Wound care by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor OTC Pain Medications If you are dealing with a headache or sore muscles, you may reach for aspirin or ibuprofen for relief. These over-the-counter pain medications are effective, inexpensive and generally, safe for use on people when label directions are followed. Popular human OTCs fall into …

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DON’T Chew on This, Doggy or Kitty! 

In cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog training, Dogs, Kitties, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Puppies, Wound care by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor I have finally got into the habit of always storing my pricey Bose earbuds I plug into my cell phone in the top drawer of my desk each and every time I finish a phone call. And, the long, skinny cords from my expensive tripod camera …

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How Healthy Is Your Pet? Perform These 10 At-Home Health Checks

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, dog training, dog walker, Kitties, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, Puppies, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Uncategorized, Winter and Pets, Wound care by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor How well do you really know your dog or cat from head to tail? Yes, an annual veterinarian exam is a must for every pet, but it is only the starting point in looking after your pet’s health. One of the best ways to be your …

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Safety Tips for Tennis Ball Play with Dogs

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara Armour

by Arden Moore, ProPetHero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Many dogs, including my Pet Safety Dog Kona, love, love, love fetching tennis balls. Fetching ranks among the favorite of canine games. Dogs get to pursue, grab this ‘pretend’ prey and bring it back to you to toss again. But not all tennis balls are safe. And, you …

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Surprising Poisons Impacting Pets

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Pandemic, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, veterinarian by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor With more people getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and cases dropping in numbers, it is finally safer to venture outdoors with our dogs this summer. Sure, our dogs loved having us at home 24-7, but a new report indicates major spikes in the incidents of dogs and …

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April Is Pet First Aid Awareness Month

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, Dog Jobs, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Spring pet safety, Uncategorized, vet tech, veterinarian, Wound care by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor I keep a well-stocked pet first aid kit in my home and a travel size in my vehicle. In case of a pet emergency, I want to be prepared. The reality is that not all cut paws, bee stings, sprained limbs or other pet injuries conveniently …

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Why You Should Always Check Your Pet’s Poop

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Kitties, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Food Industry, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Puppies, Uncategorized by Cara Armour

Why You Should Become a Pet Poopologist By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor How healthy is your pet? To be your pet’s best health ally, you need to start acting like a pet detective by looking for clues.  And, one of the most accurate ways to gauge your pet’s health is to …

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Pandemic-related Poisons in Homes Are On the Rise in Cats and Dogs

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, Kitties, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Household Pet Poison Calls Are on the Rise As the pandemic stubbornly continues, one cherished benefit is getting to spend more time at home with our pets. However, everyday household items pose hidden dangers to our dogs and cats. In a new report from Pet Poison …