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Decoding D-O-G-S

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, groomer, pet care professional, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Uncategorized, vet tech, veterinarian by Cara Armour

Really understanding dogs involves listening, watching and more. Article was written by our Master Instructor Arden Moore Raise your paw, er hand, if you ever experience a case of canine confusion. By that I mean, you really don’t know what the dog is trying to communicate to you. It happens more than you may realize. Dogs come in all sizes, …

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The Right Time to Give Hydrogen Peroxide to Your Pet

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, groomer, Kitties, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Food Industry, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, Puppies, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized, vet tech, veterinarian, Winter and Pets, Wound care by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

Our very own Master Instructor from our Pet First Aid and CPR Instructor Course Arden Moore, attended the Cat Writers’ Association 25th Anniversary Conference and Awards Banquet in St. Louis, MO. She brought along her safety cat Casey who shares the spotlight with Dr. Jason Nicholas, The Preventive Vet, on the cautions associated with using hydrogen peroxide in dogs and cats. It …

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Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe for Pets?

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, groomer, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Food Industry, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Uncategorized, veterinarian, Winter and Pets by Cara Armour1 Comment

By Arden Moore Certified Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Spilling the Truth About Hydrogen Peroxide For years, the brown plastic bottle of hydrogen peroxide has been a familiar sight in first aid kits for people and for pets. Many people reached for a bottle of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to disinfect skin wounds. The combination of hydrogen and oxygen molecules …

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What to Do When Your Dog Is Choking

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, groomer, Kitties, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet Industry, Pet Rescues, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Puppies, senior pets, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized, veterinarian, Winter and Pets, Wound care by Cara Armour5 Comments

Help! My Dog Is Choking! By Arden Moore Canine curiosity almost cost Maddie her life. My sister’s sweet but nosy Bichon-poodle mix was counter surfing and discovered a terrific “find” – dental floss in a plastic casing on the end table in the living room. I happened to be caring for my sister’s pets in her home at the time. …

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Pet First Aid & CPR Instructor Program

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, groomer, Kitties, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Rescues, Pet Safe Business Spotlight, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Puppies, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, veterinarian, Winter and Pets by Cara Armour8 Comments

Why Become a Pet First Aid Instructor? If a dog was hit by a car or a curious kitten began choking on a strand of string would you know what to do? Would you like to know what to do and be able to share that knowledge with others? Knowing what to do in the minutes following a pet emergency …

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What Would You Do with Your Pets in a Fire? 

In Animal Health, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Natural Disasters and pets, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Travel with pets, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara Armour3 Comments

These are stats from 2010 so while I hope they have decreased, I can only assume with pet ownership increasing, that these numbers have as well, “an estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by home fires, however, nearly 1,000 house fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners’ pets, according to data analysis by the National Fire Protection Association” …

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Should Groomers Be Required to Know Pet First Aid & CPR?

In Animal Health, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, groomer, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Uncategorized, veterinarian, Wound care by Cara Armour2 Comments

Pet Owners Are Calling for Groomers to Be Trained in Pet First Aid & CPR Pet owners are calling for dog and cat groomers to be trained in pet first aid and CPR. Following the reported deaths at PetSmart that shed light on back in April 2018, it seems that the wellbeing of pets in professional hands is becoming more …

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Pet First Aid & CPR Training Can Make a Good Pet Care Company Great

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

A Priority for Your Pet Related Business As a pet care business owner, making certain your staff are properly trained and knowledgeable about safely handling your clients’ pets can seem overwhelming. Thankfully amazing tools like online pet first aid certification have been created to make your life easier but you have to use them in your business in order to …

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What to Know About Pet Insurance

In Animal Health, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, dog daycare owner, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized, vet tech, veterinarian by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

*Guest blog from Figo pet insurance. We’re grateful for their post and to be able to share this valuable information with our readers. The Importance Of Pet Insurance Most pet owners feel they are doing a good job if they feed their dog or cat properly, make sure they get some exercise and give them the love and attention they …

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Are Almonds Safe for Dogs?

In Animal Health, dog daycare owner, dog training, Dogs, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

Could Almond Butter Be My Answer? One of my dogs developed a conditioned emotional response or CER to getting his nails done. He’s completely fine getting on the grooming table or laying down on a bed to have his feet touched. He even takes cookies and lays relaxed while the rotary tool I use to grind them is on. However, when I …